Are College Drop Outs a Looming Challenge

In recent years, the number of college students who have been dropping out of school has been rising buy essays sharply. As would be expected, the numbers have caught the eye of the relevant educators. One could argue that the education system has been going through progressive reforms to improve the learning experience. It would then be surprising that more students are dropping out more than before.

Such a phenomenon undoubtedly requires looking at from different perspectives. Such a predicament requires a multivariate analysis. As far as our understanding of psychology and sociology, the behavior is motivated by several internal and external factors.

In this article, we shall look at some of the reasons behind this increasing number of dropouts. Furthermore, we shall attempt to provide our own recommendations to help mitigate the numbers.

Rigid Education System

Over the years, the education system has proven to be quite rigid. Before the integration of technology, hence new ways of thinking, the model was lagging substantially. Education has always presented a linear path of progression for the average learner. Wherein this becomes a one-size-fits-all model.

As research has demonstrated thoroughly, different learners have different ideal ways of learning. For most learners, then, this rigid model can be immensely frustrating. In which case, when the circumstances are right, they may decide to simply drop out of college, as opposed to struggling their way through college.

To put it simply, the current education system does not motivate or engage most students to progress further. As a matter of fact, it is quite the contrary to some students. Hence, dropping out of college becomes a sensible decision.

Newly Created Opportunities

Unlike in the '90s, the 21st century has brought about boundless opportunities for most people who have basic education. Technology has rapidly changed the way we lead our lives, from essential to complex tasks. The world has also shrunk to a global village, bringing about unprecedented levels of interconnectedness.

This new phenomenon has subsequently created numerous new opportunities that were unimaginable just a few decades ago. At this moment, a student can afford to drop out of college to pursue a career as an online gamer. We have also seen online sensations who were too invested in their profiles that they had to drop out of college.

Therefore, the current generation is not growing up confined to the idea that getting an excellent education is the safest way to secure your living and future. On the contrary, there are growing in an environment that keeps churning new ideas and opportunities. Thus, it is no surprise that many students are dropping out of college to pursue their fortune elsewhere.

In conclusion, we would recommend that this particular predicament be handled by education and sociology experts. Only from surveys and research can we finally arrive at a definitive end. Whatever the case may be, there is enough reason to make a silver lining out of the outcome.


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